TIG welding is an arc welding method in which the heat required for welding is generated by the arc formed between a non-consumable electrode (tungsten electrode) and the workpiece. The electrode, weld pool, arc and parts of the workpiece close to the weld are protected from the harmful effects of the atmosphere by the gas or mixed gases coming from the welding torch. The gas must be able to fully protect the weld area, otherwise even a very small air intake will cause a defect in the weld metal.
- TIG welding can be applied both manually and with automatic welding systems to make a continuous weld seam, intermittent welding and spot welding.
- Since the electrode is not consumed, it is welded by melting the base metal or using an additional weld metal.
- It can be welded in any position and is particularly suitable for welding thin materials.
- It gives high penetration and non-porous welds in root pass welds.
- Since the heat input is concentrated in the weld area, the deformation of the workpiece is low.
- It gives a smooth weld seam and there is no need to clean the weld seam.